Thursday, August 22, 2013

2. How Teachers Are Integrating Tech Common Core- Brittneii

Schools across the globe are disrupting the traditional education model through the incorporation of technology into instruction.  The switch to the Common Core occurring at the same as this wave of educational technology is perfect.  When each student has access to a device such as an iPad, they are connected to the world, and allows our students to explore a topic to a level of deep understanding that is required in the Common Core.  The Common Core has standards based on the use of technology and for that reason alone, they are a step in the right direction. At the "core" of the common core is the belief that schools should teach content deeper rather than shallow and broad. With that said, a positive side to the change of the Common Core is that is allows educators to teach deeper and how to help students learn as opposed to remembering.  Schools adjusting their curriculum in response to the Common Core must give serious consideration to the integration of technology into their instructional model.  Not only will the integration of technology allow schools to meet the Common Core State Standards (CCSS), but more importantly it will provide for the deep learning required of our students.

The thought of how much our world has advanced overtime through technology is an overwhelming rush through my mind.  It amazes me how greatly technology has succeeded over a little amount of time.  My grandmother would have never thought of using an iPad for a lesson at school.  As we realize how much our world is advancing, we also need to realize we must advance too and what better way than through our educational programs.  Students start learning to work smart phones young as two years old.  Technology is being integrated with our Common Core State Standards because of these advancements. It allows the students to become more involved with the lessons and helps them learn rather than just remembering.  We need to keep in mind that technology will not slow down, but only continue to succeed overtime.  This is important to our education, and is why I feel that CCSS should continue to integrate technology in the Common Core to better the future of our students.

1 comment:

  1. I don't know how old your grandmother is, but I would have never thought kids would be learning on tablets either. We had one computer course in high school and learned to type on typewriters! Imagine. When used in the right circumstances technology can enhance learning but it isn't a panacea for all of our educational woes. Lookup TPACK some time when you are bored. That's a great model for infusing technology at the appropriate times.
